artistic AI-generated version of Yahoo's logo

Artistic BingAI-generated version of Yahoo’s logo

I opened my first decent email account in 1997, on Yahoo!, right after letting go of hosted email at CompuServe, which I had to check in a browser, and installed Netscape Mail to read it directly using POP3 at the time (I used IMAP4 later, for more convenience)

At the time, I thought Yahoo! was the best search engine, and their email could be checked online or offline (after retrieval). Google was still in its infancy and Gmail only appeared in 2004.

Yahoo! served me well for the time I had it (more than 25 years!), but I eventually moved to Gmail around 2008. From then I kept both accounts since I still used accounts that were registered using Yahoo! Mail.

But for the last decade, Yahoo! has mostly provided me with SPAM, more SPAM, and even more SPAM. To be honest, 99% of the SPAM I get is from Yahoo! So, I assume my account ended in far too many leaks, that were sold to spammers eveywhere.

So, after updating the last few accounts using my Yahoo! email address, I decided to close that account, with a small virtual tear.

So long, Yahoo!

artistic AI-generated version of Yahoo's logo

Artistic BingAI-generated version of Yahoo’s logo