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AWS API Gateway

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AWS Dynamo DB

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HomeConnect (2015)

After my GarageDoor project I started considering building several devices that would be interconnected through a central device, and would control doors or lights.

PeerJuice Jobs (2015)

While working at Lasso, I realized that LinkedIn wasn’t so useful as it could be for job seekers. Something I didn’t like with LinkedIn was, most of recommendations were useless, just giving unrealistic expectations of candidates, thanks to their previous employer/coworkers/friends who would post excessively positive reviews of them.

MC Roads (2016)

I got my motorcycle license in 2016, and bought my first motorcycle. I started making nice rides around BC with friends, and saw some sites that were suggesting nice rides. Unfortunately, the sites were usually build with a complex UI, not really intuitive or convenient, so I decided to build my own site, and called it MC Roads (“Motorcycle Roads”) and bought the domain name to go with it.

Sphyn (2017)

Sphyn was the evolution of MC Roads into the wider audience of travelers. The site was build to satisfy two goals:

  • allow travelers to share their travel through maps and pictures
  • allow travelers to find accommodations, similarly to AirBnB or CouchSurfing
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AWS Lambda

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HomeConnect (2015)

After my GarageDoor project I started considering building several devices that would be interconnected through a central device, and would control doors or lights.

PeerJuice Jobs (2015)

While working at Lasso, I realized that LinkedIn wasn’t so useful as it could be for job seekers. Something I didn’t like with LinkedIn was, most of recommendations were useless, just giving unrealistic expectations of candidates, thanks to their previous employer/coworkers/friends who would post excessively positive reviews of them.

MC Roads (2016)

I got my motorcycle license in 2016, and bought my first motorcycle. I started making nice rides around BC with friends, and saw some sites that were suggesting nice rides. Unfortunately, the sites were usually build with a complex UI, not really intuitive or convenient, so I decided to build my own site, and called it MC Roads (“Motorcycle Roads”) and bought the domain name to go with it.

Sphyn (2017)

Sphyn was the evolution of MC Roads into the wider audience of travelers. The site was build to satisfy two goals:

  • allow travelers to share their travel through maps and pictures
  • allow travelers to find accommodations, similarly to AirBnB or CouchSurfing
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HomeConnect (2015)

After my GarageDoor project I started considering building several devices that would be interconnected through a central device, and would control doors or lights.

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Garagedoor (2014)

My house had an old garage door system, with mostly a push button that would alternately open or close the door. Even though this was enough for common use, I wanted to be able to open the door remotely when coming back home by car or on the motorcycle, without having to first enter the house to open the door.

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Garagedoor (2014)

My house had an old garage door system, with mostly a push button that would alternately open or close the door. Even though this was enough for common use, I wanted to be able to open the door remotely when coming back home by car or on the motorcycle, without having to first enter the house to open the door.

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Google Maps APIs

MC Roads (2016)

I got my motorcycle license in 2016, and bought my first motorcycle. I started making nice rides around BC with friends, and saw some sites that were suggesting nice rides. Unfortunately, the sites were usually build with a complex UI, not really intuitive or convenient, so I decided to build my own site, and called it MC Roads (“Motorcycle Roads”) and bought the domain name to go with it.

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HP Openview

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Geocities Website (1997-1999)

In 1997, I had already gotten familiarized a lot with the Internet, after 3 years working at CEGEDIM with dial-up modem connections, and currently working at SITA/Equant, a giant worldwide telecom provider present in more than 220 countries at the time, so strong of my experience with HTML/CSS, I started building my own website on GeoCities.

HomeConnect (2015)

After my GarageDoor project I started considering building several devices that would be interconnected through a central device, and would control doors or lights.

PeerJuice Jobs (2015)

While working at Lasso, I realized that LinkedIn wasn’t so useful as it could be for job seekers. Something I didn’t like with LinkedIn was, most of recommendations were useless, just giving unrealistic expectations of candidates, thanks to their previous employer/coworkers/friends who would post excessively positive reviews of them.

Sphyn (2017)

Sphyn was the evolution of MC Roads into the wider audience of travelers. The site was build to satisfy two goals:

  • allow travelers to share their travel through maps and pictures
  • allow travelers to find accommodations, similarly to AirBnB or CouchSurfing
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IBM NetView

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Garagedoor (2014)

My house had an old garage door system, with mostly a push button that would alternately open or close the door. Even though this was enough for common use, I wanted to be able to open the door remotely when coming back home by car or on the motorcycle, without having to first enter the house to open the door.

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Laravel-GeoDB (2023)

So, starting working on my “P-xo” project, I realized I needed a way to show locations, starting with cities, states and countries. After a quick look around, and not wanting to aim directly at Google APIs at this time, I couldn’t find any obvious and decent package for Laravel that would help me offer the proper address selectors to users and so, I decided to try and build my own package.

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HomeConnect (2015)

After my GarageDoor project I started considering building several devices that would be interconnected through a central device, and would control doors or lights.

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MC Roads (2016)

I got my motorcycle license in 2016, and bought my first motorcycle. I started making nice rides around BC with friends, and saw some sites that were suggesting nice rides. Unfortunately, the sites were usually build with a complex UI, not really intuitive or convenient, so I decided to build my own site, and called it MC Roads (“Motorcycle Roads”) and bought the domain name to go with it.

Sphyn (2017)

Sphyn was the evolution of MC Roads into the wider audience of travelers. The site was build to satisfy two goals:

  • allow travelers to share their travel through maps and pictures
  • allow travelers to find accommodations, similarly to AirBnB or CouchSurfing

Laravel-GeoDB (2023)

So, starting working on my “P-xo” project, I realized I needed a way to show locations, starting with cities, states and countries. After a quick look around, and not wanting to aim directly at Google APIs at this time, I couldn’t find any obvious and decent package for Laravel that would help me offer the proper address selectors to users and so, I decided to try and build my own package.

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Particle Electron

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Particle Photon

Garagedoor (2014)

My house had an old garage door system, with mostly a push button that would alternately open or close the door. Even though this was enough for common use, I wanted to be able to open the door remotely when coming back home by car or on the motorcycle, without having to first enter the house to open the door.

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Garagedoor (2014)

My house had an old garage door system, with mostly a push button that would alternately open or close the door. Even though this was enough for common use, I wanted to be able to open the door remotely when coming back home by car or on the motorcycle, without having to first enter the house to open the door.

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atari basic

Sook, Minitel Server (1989-1992)

This project started after I discovered you could run a minitel server out of your Atari ST computer, just needing the Minitel1, a free terminal France Telecom was distributing at the time to phone subscribers, and a simple RS232 cable to connect it to the computer.

  1. Minitel article on Wikipedia 

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atari st

Sook, Minitel Server (1989-1992)

This project started after I discovered you could run a minitel server out of your Atari ST computer, just needing the Minitel1, a free terminal France Telecom was distributing at the time to phone subscribers, and a simple RS232 cable to connect it to the computer.

  1. Minitel article on Wikipedia 

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Firmware Engineer (2017-present)

Since 2017, I’ve worked full-time as a frelancer, as the only firmware engineer for Waterloo Technical Inc, a small business in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve collaborated with remote electrical engineers and used my own skills in electrical engineering to define the schematics of a dozen products, then developed the complete firmware for these devices either from scratch or taking advantage of existing libraries.

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Founder and Main Developer (2010-2012)

I started working on my second venture, MusXpand (pronounced [mewzik’spend]), in 2010 right before leaving Brazil. The idea was to develop a business that would help indie artists, initially musicians, to distribute their art to their fan, through subscriptions. The premise was quite disruptive: why only get a few cents from music distributors, if you can make most of the money directly from your actual fans and provide them a better and closer service?

Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Laravel-GeoDB (2023)

So, starting working on my “P-xo” project, I realized I needed a way to show locations, starting with cities, states and countries. After a quick look around, and not wanting to aim directly at Google APIs at this time, I couldn’t find any obvious and decent package for Laravel that would help me offer the proper address selectors to users and so, I decided to try and build my own package.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Founder and Main Developer (2006-2010)

Skloogs was my first official business as a founder. The initial intent was to start an IT consulting company, providing system and networking related services from architecture, but I started building a website and quickly opted to develop an e-commerce technology marketplace.

Founder and Main Developer (2010-2012)

I started working on my second venture, MusXpand (pronounced [mewzik’spend]), in 2010 right before leaving Brazil. The idea was to develop a business that would help indie artists, initially musicians, to distribute their art to their fan, through subscriptions. The premise was quite disruptive: why only get a few cents from music distributors, if you can make most of the money directly from your actual fans and provide them a better and closer service?

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Firmware Engineer (2017-present)

Since 2017, I’ve worked full-time as a frelancer, as the only firmware engineer for Waterloo Technical Inc, a small business in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve collaborated with remote electrical engineers and used my own skills in electrical engineering to define the schematics of a dozen products, then developed the complete firmware for these devices either from scratch or taking advantage of existing libraries.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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facebook apis

Senior Software Engineer (2012-2013)

Trulioo offered me my first full-time job in Vancouver, after I decided to shut my MusXpand venture down, in 2012. Trulioo’s software manager was initially interested in my ability to do web scraping, in order to capture identity information on the web to store into databases and also to be able to mimic an existing site and add user identification features in it, for a demonstration of Trulioo Identification APIs.

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Senior Software Engineer (2012-2013)

Trulioo offered me my first full-time job in Vancouver, after I decided to shut my MusXpand venture down, in 2012. Trulioo’s software manager was initially interested in my ability to do web scraping, in order to capture identity information on the web to store into databases and also to be able to mimic an existing site and add user identification features in it, for a demonstration of Trulioo Identification APIs.

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Geocities Website (1997-1999)

In 1997, I had already gotten familiarized a lot with the Internet, after 3 years working at CEGEDIM with dial-up modem connections, and currently working at SITA/Equant, a giant worldwide telecom provider present in more than 220 countries at the time, so strong of my experience with HTML/CSS, I started building my own website on GeoCities.

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Founder and Main Developer (2006-2010)

Skloogs was my first official business as a founder. The initial intent was to start an IT consulting company, providing system and networking related services from architecture, but I started building a website and quickly opted to develop an e-commerce technology marketplace.

Senior Software Engineer (2012-2013)

Trulioo offered me my first full-time job in Vancouver, after I decided to shut my MusXpand venture down, in 2012. Trulioo’s software manager was initially interested in my ability to do web scraping, in order to capture identity information on the web to store into databases and also to be able to mimic an existing site and add user identification features in it, for a demonstration of Trulioo Identification APIs.

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Founder and Main Developer (2010-2012)

I started working on my second venture, MusXpand (pronounced [mewzik’spend]), in 2010 right before leaving Brazil. The idea was to develop a business that would help indie artists, initially musicians, to distribute their art to their fan, through subscriptions. The premise was quite disruptive: why only get a few cents from music distributors, if you can make most of the money directly from your actual fans and provide them a better and closer service?

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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HomeConnect (2015)

After my GarageDoor project I started considering building several devices that would be interconnected through a central device, and would control doors or lights.

PeerJuice Jobs (2015)

While working at Lasso, I realized that LinkedIn wasn’t so useful as it could be for job seekers. Something I didn’t like with LinkedIn was, most of recommendations were useless, just giving unrealistic expectations of candidates, thanks to their previous employer/coworkers/friends who would post excessively positive reviews of them.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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PeerJuice Jobs (2015)

While working at Lasso, I realized that LinkedIn wasn’t so useful as it could be for job seekers. Something I didn’t like with LinkedIn was, most of recommendations were useless, just giving unrealistic expectations of candidates, thanks to their previous employer/coworkers/friends who would post excessively positive reviews of them.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Founder and Main Developer (2006-2010)

Skloogs was my first official business as a founder. The initial intent was to start an IT consulting company, providing system and networking related services from architecture, but I started building a website and quickly opted to develop an e-commerce technology marketplace.

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Founder and Main Developer (2010-2012)

I started working on my second venture, MusXpand (pronounced [mewzik’spend]), in 2010 right before leaving Brazil. The idea was to develop a business that would help indie artists, initially musicians, to distribute their art to their fan, through subscriptions. The premise was quite disruptive: why only get a few cents from music distributors, if you can make most of the money directly from your actual fans and provide them a better and closer service?

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Firmware Engineer (2017-present)

Since 2017, I’ve worked full-time as a frelancer, as the only firmware engineer for Waterloo Technical Inc, a small business in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve collaborated with remote electrical engineers and used my own skills in electrical engineering to define the schematics of a dozen products, then developed the complete firmware for these devices either from scratch or taking advantage of existing libraries.

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Sook, Minitel Server (1989-1992)

This project started after I discovered you could run a minitel server out of your Atari ST computer, just needing the Minitel1, a free terminal France Telecom was distributing at the time to phone subscribers, and a simple RS232 cable to connect it to the computer.

  1. Minitel article on Wikipedia 

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Founder and Main Developer (2006-2010)

Skloogs was my first official business as a founder. The initial intent was to start an IT consulting company, providing system and networking related services from architecture, but I started building a website and quickly opted to develop an e-commerce technology marketplace.

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Senior Software Engineer (2012-2013)

Trulioo offered me my first full-time job in Vancouver, after I decided to shut my MusXpand venture down, in 2012. Trulioo’s software manager was initially interested in my ability to do web scraping, in order to capture identity information on the web to store into databases and also to be able to mimic an existing site and add user identification features in it, for a demonstration of Trulioo Identification APIs.

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Founder and Main Developer (2010-2012)

I started working on my second venture, MusXpand (pronounced [mewzik’spend]), in 2010 right before leaving Brazil. The idea was to develop a business that would help indie artists, initially musicians, to distribute their art to their fan, through subscriptions. The premise was quite disruptive: why only get a few cents from music distributors, if you can make most of the money directly from your actual fans and provide them a better and closer service?

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MacOS Vue (2024-)

While working on a side project for my first novel, I realized it would be nice to have a simulation of a Mac OS environment, as functional as possible, to present some documents and informations. After looking around a little bit, all I could find was either a real MacOS remote access, which was far too much for what I needed, and obviously the corresponding expense. So I decided to build my own emulation, using Vue.js, as another practice training on Vue.

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Laravel-GeoDB (2023)

So, starting working on my “P-xo” project, I realized I needed a way to show locations, starting with cities, states and countries. After a quick look around, and not wanting to aim directly at Google APIs at this time, I couldn’t find any obvious and decent package for Laravel that would help me offer the proper address selectors to users and so, I decided to try and build my own package.

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Firmware Engineer (2017-present)

Since 2017, I’ve worked full-time as a frelancer, as the only firmware engineer for Waterloo Technical Inc, a small business in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve collaborated with remote electrical engineers and used my own skills in electrical engineering to define the schematics of a dozen products, then developed the complete firmware for these devices either from scratch or taking advantage of existing libraries.

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Founder and Main Developer (2006-2010)

Skloogs was my first official business as a founder. The initial intent was to start an IT consulting company, providing system and networking related services from architecture, but I started building a website and quickly opted to develop an e-commerce technology marketplace.

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Founder and Main Developer (2006-2010)

Skloogs was my first official business as a founder. The initial intent was to start an IT consulting company, providing system and networking related services from architecture, but I started building a website and quickly opted to develop an e-commerce technology marketplace.

Founder and Main Developer (2010-2012)

I started working on my second venture, MusXpand (pronounced [mewzik’spend]), in 2010 right before leaving Brazil. The idea was to develop a business that would help indie artists, initially musicians, to distribute their art to their fan, through subscriptions. The premise was quite disruptive: why only get a few cents from music distributors, if you can make most of the money directly from your actual fans and provide them a better and closer service?

Senior Software Engineer (2012-2013)

Trulioo offered me my first full-time job in Vancouver, after I decided to shut my MusXpand venture down, in 2012. Trulioo’s software manager was initially interested in my ability to do web scraping, in order to capture identity information on the web to store into databases and also to be able to mimic an existing site and add user identification features in it, for a demonstration of Trulioo Identification APIs.

Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

Firmware Engineer (2017-present)

Since 2017, I’ve worked full-time as a frelancer, as the only firmware engineer for Waterloo Technical Inc, a small business in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve collaborated with remote electrical engineers and used my own skills in electrical engineering to define the schematics of a dozen products, then developed the complete firmware for these devices either from scratch or taking advantage of existing libraries.

HomeConnect (2015)

After my GarageDoor project I started considering building several devices that would be interconnected through a central device, and would control doors or lights.

PeerJuice Jobs (2015)

While working at Lasso, I realized that LinkedIn wasn’t so useful as it could be for job seekers. Something I didn’t like with LinkedIn was, most of recommendations were useless, just giving unrealistic expectations of candidates, thanks to their previous employer/coworkers/friends who would post excessively positive reviews of them.

MC Roads (2016)

I got my motorcycle license in 2016, and bought my first motorcycle. I started making nice rides around BC with friends, and saw some sites that were suggesting nice rides. Unfortunately, the sites were usually build with a complex UI, not really intuitive or convenient, so I decided to build my own site, and called it MC Roads (“Motorcycle Roads”) and bought the domain name to go with it.

Sphyn (2017)

Sphyn was the evolution of MC Roads into the wider audience of travelers. The site was build to satisfy two goals:

  • allow travelers to share their travel through maps and pictures
  • allow travelers to find accommodations, similarly to AirBnB or CouchSurfing

Laravel-GeoDB (2023)

So, starting working on my “P-xo” project, I realized I needed a way to show locations, starting with cities, states and countries. After a quick look around, and not wanting to aim directly at Google APIs at this time, I couldn’t find any obvious and decent package for Laravel that would help me offer the proper address selectors to users and so, I decided to try and build my own package.

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Senior Software Engineer (2012-2013)

Trulioo offered me my first full-time job in Vancouver, after I decided to shut my MusXpand venture down, in 2012. Trulioo’s software manager was initially interested in my ability to do web scraping, in order to capture identity information on the web to store into databases and also to be able to mimic an existing site and add user identification features in it, for a demonstration of Trulioo Identification APIs.

Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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raspberry pi

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Sook, Minitel Server (1989-1992)

This project started after I discovered you could run a minitel server out of your Atari ST computer, just needing the Minitel1, a free terminal France Telecom was distributing at the time to phone subscribers, and a simple RS232 cable to connect it to the computer.

  1. Minitel article on Wikipedia 

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static website design

Geocities Website (1997-1999)

In 1997, I had already gotten familiarized a lot with the Internet, after 3 years working at CEGEDIM with dial-up modem connections, and currently working at SITA/Equant, a giant worldwide telecom provider present in more than 220 countries at the time, so strong of my experience with HTML/CSS, I started building my own website on GeoCities.

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Firmware Engineer (2017-present)

Since 2017, I’ve worked full-time as a frelancer, as the only firmware engineer for Waterloo Technical Inc, a small business in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve collaborated with remote electrical engineers and used my own skills in electrical engineering to define the schematics of a dozen products, then developed the complete firmware for these devices either from scratch or taking advantage of existing libraries.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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PeerJuice Jobs (2015)

While working at Lasso, I realized that LinkedIn wasn’t so useful as it could be for job seekers. Something I didn’t like with LinkedIn was, most of recommendations were useless, just giving unrealistic expectations of candidates, thanks to their previous employer/coworkers/friends who would post excessively positive reviews of them.

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team management

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Sook, Minitel Server (1989-1992)

This project started after I discovered you could run a minitel server out of your Atari ST computer, just needing the Minitel1, a free terminal France Telecom was distributing at the time to phone subscribers, and a simple RS232 cable to connect it to the computer.

  1. Minitel article on Wikipedia 

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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video edition

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Founder and Main Developer (2006-2010)

Skloogs was my first official business as a founder. The initial intent was to start an IT consulting company, providing system and networking related services from architecture, but I started building a website and quickly opted to develop an e-commerce technology marketplace.

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MacOS Vue (2024-)

While working on a side project for my first novel, I realized it would be nice to have a simulation of a Mac OS environment, as functional as possible, to present some documents and informations. After looking around a little bit, all I could find was either a real MacOS remote access, which was far too much for what I needed, and obviously the corresponding expense. So I decided to build my own emulation, using Vue.js, as another practice training on Vue.

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MC Roads (2016)

I got my motorcycle license in 2016, and bought my first motorcycle. I started making nice rides around BC with friends, and saw some sites that were suggesting nice rides. Unfortunately, the sites were usually build with a complex UI, not really intuitive or convenient, so I decided to build my own site, and called it MC Roads (“Motorcycle Roads”) and bought the domain name to go with it.

Sphyn (2017)

Sphyn was the evolution of MC Roads into the wider audience of travelers. The site was build to satisfy two goals:

  • allow travelers to share their travel through maps and pictures
  • allow travelers to find accommodations, similarly to AirBnB or CouchSurfing

Laravel-GeoDB (2023)

So, starting working on my “P-xo” project, I realized I needed a way to show locations, starting with cities, states and countries. After a quick look around, and not wanting to aim directly at Google APIs at this time, I couldn’t find any obvious and decent package for Laravel that would help me offer the proper address selectors to users and so, I decided to try and build my own package.

MacOS Vue (2024-)

While working on a side project for my first novel, I realized it would be nice to have a simulation of a Mac OS environment, as functional as possible, to present some documents and informations. After looking around a little bit, all I could find was either a real MacOS remote access, which was far too much for what I needed, and obviously the corresponding expense. So I decided to build my own emulation, using Vue.js, as another practice training on Vue.

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web scraping

Senior Software Engineer (2012-2013)

Trulioo offered me my first full-time job in Vancouver, after I decided to shut my MusXpand venture down, in 2012. Trulioo’s software manager was initially interested in my ability to do web scraping, in order to capture identity information on the web to store into databases and also to be able to mimic an existing site and add user identification features in it, for a demonstration of Trulioo Identification APIs.

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Founder and Main Developer (2010-2012)

I started working on my second venture, MusXpand (pronounced [mewzik’spend]), in 2010 right before leaving Brazil. The idea was to develop a business that would help indie artists, initially musicians, to distribute their art to their fan, through subscriptions. The premise was quite disruptive: why only get a few cents from music distributors, if you can make most of the money directly from your actual fans and provide them a better and closer service?

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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Senior Software Engineer (2014-2017)

I started at Lasso early 2014 as a Senior Development Engineer. My main task was to familiarize with the extensive codebase of Lasso CRM, a development based on PHP, Symfony, MySQL that is used by real estate industry to track leads for real estates companies, and connect them with building development projects and apps.

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